showing 19 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Fighter Squadron Activision? labelminimizeminimize
Quake  MacSoft (Lion Entertainment)1997 labelminimizeminimize
SiN Activision (Ritual Entertainment)1998 labelminimizeminimize
Half-Life Valve1999Many industry people say this game was finished and gold mastered. But, the decision to begin manufacturing copies never happened. labelminimizeminimize
SiN: Wages of Sin  Activision (2015)1999 labelminimizeminimize
Dracula: The Resurrection  Havas Interactive;Meridian4;DreamCatcher (Microïds;index+)2000 labelimageminimize
Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force Aspyr Media (Raven Software)2000 labelimageminimize
Diablo II  Blizzard2000Latest version: 1.12a (as of ?)***[b]Minimum:[/b]
* Mac OS 8.1
* G3 CPU
* 64 MB RAM
* 640 MB HD space
* 4X CD-ROM drive

* 3D accelerator
* 900 MB HD space***Comes on the same CD as the Windows version.
Rune Gathering of Developers (Human Head Studios)2000System requirements claim "PCI PowerMac" but say nothing about bus speed, video card, sound card, nor any other hardware users might have or not have in the system's bus. labelminimizeminimize
Aliens versus Predator  Mac Play2001 labelimageminimize
American McGee's Alice  Aspyr Media (Rogue Entertainment)2001 labelimageminimize
Egoboo  author2001 labelimageminimize
Q*Bert MacSoft (;MacSoft)2001 labelminimizeminimize
Diablo II: Lord of Destruction  Blizzard2001[b]Minimum:[/b]
* Mac OS 8.1
* G3 CPU
* 64 MB RAM
* 800 MB HD space
* 4X CD-ROM drive

* 3D accelerator
* 8 MB VRAM***Latest version: 1.12a (as of ?)***Comes on the same CD as the Windows version.
Geneforge Spiderweb2002From official site:

"Geneforge is our newest fantasy role-playing game with a science fiction twist. In Geneforge, you are free to choose what your overall goal is, and you can seek after it with your own horde of deadly, mutant monsters.

You are a Shaper, a member of the most powerful and secretive of the magical guilds. You have the power to create life and mold it to serve your own needs. For millennia, your world feared and respected the Shapers above all others. Their creations could go everywhere, do anything, all according to the wishes of the Shapers and no others.

If you need a servant, you simply create it, and it will gladly die for you.

But now the secrets of your people are at risk. Someone dares to try to steal the power of the Shapers and take it for his own. He has committed the ultimate crime: he has captured you, and he will do anything to get you to surrender your secrets.

He would use the power of the Shapers to remake the world. The question is a simple one. Will you fight him? Or join him?

Geneforge is a fantasy role-playing game for Windows and Macintosh. It features fully animated 16-bit graphics, the ability to create your own army of lethal, totally obedient creatures, and a cunning enemy AI with foes who can go on patrols, stalk you, and run for help. Geneforge a huge and open storyline. You have the freedom to choose your own path and decide how the story will turn out. You can fight the evil overlord or you can join him. You can help the peasants or you can torment them. You can be the bold hero or you can just try to get away. No matter what you choose, Geneforge offers an enormous adventure with plenty of replay value."
Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast  LucasArts (Aspyr)2002 labelminimizeminimize
Geneforge 2 Spiderweb Software2004 labelminimizeminimize
Geneforge 3 Spiderweb Software2005 labelminimizeminimize
MacBomber author2006 labelminimizeminimize